Terms of Service
for the use of
SFSA Holding KB (LP)

These terms and conditions apply from 25 May 2018
See also General information and advice regarding customer registration at SFSA Holding KB (LP)

On May 25, 2018, the new Data Protection Ordinance (GDPR), (EU) 2016/679, came
into force throughout the EU andreplaces the Personal Information Act (PUL). 
The purpose of PIA (PUL) has been to protect people from violating their personal integrity when processing their personal data.
GDPR further strengthens the rights of the individual by stricter requirements for companies such as
SFSA Holding KB (LP) processing personal data.
Prior to that change, we update our Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy.
Here we describe how and why we save your data.
For example, when we choose to subscribe to a newsletter, register as a customer in our customer register,
send an e-mail or choose to get information from us when you do your road-map.

SFSA Holding KB has the ownership to all data contained on the above mentioned media, unless otherwise stated. Intellectually protected property may not be distributed, modified or forwarded without the prior written consent of SFSA Holding KB (LP).
All enquiries in this regard should be sent to us via our contact page here >>

The above applies to textual, photographic, audio, video and other material protected by intellectual property rights.

2.1 When you and your company start any kind of business deal with us with reference to the business cases stated below(SFSA Holding KB with org.nr: 9697112705, VAT SE 969711270501) you hereby give SFSA Holding KB (969711-2705) proxy/commission to represent you as a customer member of our company SFSA Holding KB incl. our services SFSA Flight Support-Svenskaflygplatser.com regarding the following:
1. to safeguard the interests of customer members in aviation policy, economic, operational and technical issues and to continuously convey information about these,
2. to monitor initiatives and actions by national and international authorities and organizations and work for them to be dealt with for the best of customer members,
3. to try to prevent, as far as possible, military or state / municipal subsidized aviation activities to compete on the commercial aviation market under other conditions,
4. to constantly promote the further development of the quality of customer member air operations,
5. to constitute a referral body,
6. to disseminate the importance of aviation activities for society and business
7. to act at meetings and / or negotiations with Transportstyrelsen/Swedish Transport Agency - Aviation Swedish Civil Aviation Authority - Swedish CAA or
other civil aviation authorities within EU, Norway and Switzerland regarding all kinds of fees/charges (including Air Traffic Control Charges), rules, permits, etc. with:
a). airport owners such as Swedavia AB,
b). all municipal and private airports in Sweden,
c.) ATM from like Luftfartsverket-LFV AB (Sweden), Aviation Capacity Resources AB-ACR, Skyguide S.A., etc.
Air Traffic Control Charges:
Air Traffic Control (ATC) Charges are levied on aircraft in order to cover the air navigation services provided by the
Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP) over a portion of airspace, generally coincident with national boundaries.
In the presence of unfair practices:
- SFSA Holding KB coordinates efforts amongst customer member airlines/aircraft owners/operators in order to find solutions and
promote effective dialogue with the ANSP (ATM) including a so called Remote TWR or Remote AFIS services regardless of the operator of this particular
service like Luftfartsverket-LFV AB (Sweden), Aviation Capacity Resources AB-ACR, Skyguide S.A., etc.
SFSA Holding KB coordinates efforts amongst our customer member airlines/aircraft owners/operators in order to find solutions and
promote effective dialogue with the ANSP.
Authorization to represent you as a customer member at meetings and / or negotiation of fees, rules, permits etc. with airport owners such as Swedavia AB as well as representatives or owners of municipal and private airports in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland.
NOTE!: If your case needs more legal assistance and is a need of legal expertise within Aircraft sale and purchase, aircraft finance and aircraft leasing, Dispute resolution, Aviation commercial agreements and Aviation competition and regulation, we will put you in connection with a suitable cooperative law firm.

The information is provided “as is”, and SFSA Holding KB (LP) makes no representations or warranties as to the completeness, accuracy, availability and functionality of the information.

SFSA Holding KB (LP) shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages or injury arising out of your access to, or inability to access, this website, or from your reliance on, and actions in accordance with, the information on this website.
This limitation includes any damages or viruses that may affect your computer equipment or other property as a result of accessing or using this website.

Any links to other websites are provided solely as a service to users.
SFSA Holding KB (LP) has no responsibility or control over the content or operation of such sites, and shall not be liable for any damages or injuries arising from such content or its operation.

SFSA Holding KB (LP) reserves its right to alter, modify, substitute or delete any part of the content, and may restrict access to, or discontinue distribution on, this website at any time and at its sole discretion.

Read more about SFSA Holding KB (LP)'s integrity policy here >>

SFSA Holding KB (LP) uses the statistical and analytical tool Google Analytics to get a picture of how visitors use the website in order to generate statistics and improve navigation and structure. The tool uses data saved in logs on the web server, including IP addresses.

If you do not want your visits to SFSA Holding KB (LP)’s website to be included in the statistics for Google Analytics, you can install an add-on for your web browser.
The add-on is available for Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Opera...

Disputes concerning the application of interpretation of these Terms and conditions and legal matters pertaining thereto shall be heard in a Swedish court.

These terms and conditions are governed by Swedish and European (EU) law.

SFSA Holding KB (LP) may amend the above terms and conditions at any time by updating this page. Any person who accesses or visits this website accepts the above terms and conditions, and is therefore recommended to regularly read through the terms and conditions that apply at any time.

If you violate these rules, you can - in addition to shutdown from SFSA Holding KB / SFSA Flight Support without notice - become liable and Responsible.

These security and ethics rules apply to Customers at SFSA Holding KB / SFSA Flight Support and other users of SFSA Holding KB / SFSA Flight Support.
The rules also apply applicable regulatory parts to SFSA Holding KB / SFSA Flight Support Advertisers and Suppliers.

The rules apply regardless of how you access SFSA Holding KB / SFSA Flight Support ie. whether via broadband, WiFi, fixed connection or otherwise.

Information that you post on messages or posts in conferences, News and similar shall comply with the law, customary morality and the general ethics of the Internet (Netiquette).

You must therefore:
- not encourage crimes or disseminate someone else's call for crimes,
- not make or disseminate statements that discriminate or designate someone's race, skin color, sex, religion, ethnic group or sexual orientation,
- not spread pornographic images on children, gross pornographic images or images depicting gross violence, compulsion or cruelty,
- not spread spam, using phishing or making other similar criminal acts through our website(s) or email address system(s),
- not make or disseminate statements that are offensive or defamatory,
- not make or distribute marketing for your own or others' commercial activities.

Others' copyright shall be respected
Therefore, always ask for permission if you want to copy or use computer programs, text, images, videos or sounds that someone else has created or holds the rights to and if it is not clear that they are free to use.
Do not use any other person's name or photograph / image without permission from this.

Last updated: May 25, 2018
© SFSA Holding KB (LP)


SFSA Holding KB (LP)
Kivra: 969711–2705
SE-106 31 Stockholm, Sweden


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