Todays aviation innovations from
the aviation world

How the airline today quickly adapts to environmental requirements and thus begins
to refuel their aircrafts with environmentally friendly biofuels.
Below you will find a collection of airlines, airplane manufacturers, airline organizations, airports, etc., which are already using environmentally friendly options for air transport.

NOTE: This is purely aggregated third-party information for you as a viewer and
SFSA Holding KB has nothing to do with the development of these innovations.

This is only for you as a viewer to be aware of today's current innovations in
the national and international aviation worldwide.

But all the innovations presented here represent the philosophy for SFSA Holding KB.

Please, select one of the organizations/airlines below and then click on the logo
for further direct information from the organization/airline.
(NOTE: The link that opens is outside SFSA Holding's domain) 

SAS, Scandinavian Airlines

Virgin Atlantic Airways

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

Airbus S.A.S.

Neste Oyj


by Openairlines



Braathens Regional Airlines-BRA, ATR, NESTE



SFSA Holding KB (LP)
Kivra: 969711–2705
SE-106 31 Stockholm, Sweden


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